Nicolas Journet-搜索结果

  • 对决 Versus


    导演:François Valla   编剧:François Valla, Nicolas Journet, 索菲·科维斯·布隆, 欧文·奥瓜亚尔

    主演:Jules Pelissier, 萝拉·兰, Jérémie Duvall, 米夏埃尔·科恩

      Achille, a handsome Parisian teenager from a wealthy family, is the victim of a violent assault. Sent on vacation by the sea to rebuild, he meets Brian, an angry young man. From their confrontation will spring their true nature, from their struggle will be born a killer.

  • 夜色行动 Vandal


    导演:埃利耶·西斯泰纳   编剧:吉尔·托兰, 埃利耶·西斯泰纳, 卡黛儿·基耶维蕾, Nicolas Journet

    主演:Yoann Blanc, Yazid Benchenine, 苏菲‧卡达尼, 萨瓦·洛洛夫, Zinedine Benchenine, Chloé Lecerf, 埃米尔·贝宁, 让-马克·巴尔, 布里吉特·希, 朗齐·贝迪亚, 玛琳娜·佛伊丝, 凯文·阿札伊斯, 伊莎贝尔·萨多扬, 科琳娜·马谢罗, Damien Gouy
